sábado, 11 de julio de 2020


Unfortunately tonight,
the muses are in orgy,
displaying their charms,
to some low-profile artists,
and it's not that I'm an artist,
not something that looks alike,
only with so many stars,
I want someone to inspire me,
to feel in my veins,
the magic of simple words,
and get into the blue spheres,
of everyday things,
in the bowels of daily life,
with its sovereign contradictions,
of the misadventures it causes,
love with its flats,
of nostalgia without solutions,
and memories of the future,
of roads that we undertake,
with uncertain destinations,
and a river of feelings,
that runs beside us,
splashing on our feet,
like tears doomed to oblivion,
but hey unfortunately
just today, the muses are in orgy.

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