domingo, 24 de junio de 2018

I was just looking for ...

By searching, I searched,
from the void that roars at night,
until the morning murmur,
through impossible heaven,
through bogged roads,
I searched and searched,
walking a long time,
where neither my shadow accompanied.
I would love to have believed,
that a vision guided me,
but just by searching I searched,
the echo of a need,
and it fell in the swamps,
of my forced thoughts.
For some reason it attracted me,
like the aroma of freshly baked bread,
a clean and tender little voice,
asking him to infinity,
that led her to keep looking.
I collected all my doubts,
and with them I went to meet him,
and that beautiful girl,
He held his gaze in mine,
and without knowing what we were looking for,
we proposed together to look for it.

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