viernes, 24 de agosto de 2018

Failed desiderata

I do not understand why I want you so much,
if life does not accompany,
or why shipwrecked in my doubts,
when I want to pronounce your name.
A long time ago, back in time,
we walked together with different steps,
we had almost eternal talks,
but each one did it in their language.
You so intellectual, I so primitive,
what disunited us, happily united us,
paradoxes of that bug called love,
that transforms miracles into terror.
Damn parallel universes,
and the unfair void that exists between them,
condemned to live always at par,
knowing that they can never come together.
We are that we were once that,
I love you they just escaped,
through the back door with a silence,
on a night we stole from the January moon.

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